How nice of you.

17 April, 2011

Jot down the memorable moments in life.

Staring into nothing, just drifting away from the actual situation is one of the solutions to deal with whatsoever matter that you have to deal with. Regardless of the nasty comments and rude criticisms, you would still be the one and only person who will decide how the book ends. You hold the absolute power to every single thing you do. You decide the right or wrong.

It seems to most people, their outer appearance means a lot. They tend to look good, abandoning their true sides. At times, the inner-self, lahiriah, is overpowered by the fake outer appearance that they put on. People loose their genuineness and blends completely with the false personality. The final output is a dual-personality, weird, freaky, mental.

I was similar to many others, easily disturbed by how people think of me. I have grown throughout the years, scarred by many and fought for long. And now, here I stand, tall and mighty and fat, with a burst of confidence that is not shaken by any means. Sometimes I do doubt myself, that is true, but every time I do that, it just makes my ego grow, boosting my certainty and boldness. The process was long and demanding, I live through it. Now I am truly me. Every nicknames people give me, I just wave it off like how people would treat a pest. Every saddening incident(s) that rupture my heart and soul, I make my best effort to conceal it, yet sometimes I fail.

Call me arrogant. Call me ignorant. Call me judgemental. But at the end of the day, you are the __________.

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