I sincerely apologize to every individual who liked my blog, for not updating. Did not blog because this year is PMR year, mother is being crazy, locking the computer, password everyday except weekends. I'm expected to study during the period of not using the computer, but as all would know, I did not. I spent my time playing monopoly with my little insanely adorable cousins.
Sports Day is officially over, school gets back to its normal, dull self. No more sport events, no more cheerleading, no more marching drill, no more rehearsals, no nothing. Considering the boring situation the school will be in, I do hope that Sports Day can be in July or August. On second thought, I'm glad that the Sports Day is over, two main reasons. 1. I got a very nice tan, thanks to Shirley. I actually like being darker. 2. I spent at least 10 rinngit buying mineral water in one week.
Intervention test is on the 29th, approximately 1 week after the start of term. I planned to study during the holidays and I will, as soon as I'm done with Puan Goh's essays and my tuition karangan, which dues tomorrow. The range of the intervention is unknown to all, no teachers bother to tell before the holidays, while the students were too absored to the rehearsal/ cheerleading/ whateverthingthatisinteresting, so fellow students and teachers are doomed! Students: Have no idea what to study/ where to study until. Teachers: Will be having hell of a time marking/ correcting errors on the test papers.
I'm turning 15 in 1 week's time. Its been so long since I celebrated my birthday, my mum is always on her company annual trip to somewhere on the globe, so as what I would do every year, I'll ask 50 bucks from her and eat some nice food with my brother and my dear grandmother. In some ways, it sucks, a lot, but if you look at from a different perspective(which I cannot), it'll appear to be somewhat fantastic.
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