Art is actually fun when the presence of scary teacher is excluded. People who cannot draw or sketch, in some cases can have some fun time doing nothing in particular during art class. It will blow people's mind off if your teacher is Puan Goh or Cik Yushi or whicheverniceteacher, as they are totally cool and very humourous aaaaaaaaaaannnnd very adorable.
Claiming property which is not yours is a sin. People paid/worked/traded for some particular object and if you snatch it, it will be very, very bad.
Puan Chan is both annoying and lovable. She gives a million ton of homework but she keeps forget that she gave any. She is so blur that she might not even get her own jokes. She makes everyone to do correction
Looking back and feel happy is what everyone should feel. When you are in your eighties or nineties, if you ever live that long, you should look back to your life, and should feel pleased with what you have done. We have to do things with our heart, leaving the doubt(s) and question(s) aside. Going with our heart is not that easy, factors such as teachers, parents, adults may be the the ultimate disabler to success. Anyhow, there are ways to overcome all these craps. Don't ask me what, it is yet to be discovered.
Got A for my Mathematics, Science, KH, Geography, History. Expecting one for English too. B for Mandarin and hopefully a B for BM too.
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